About Me

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I am a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a reader, a writer, and above all, a dreamer. I started this blog as a requirement for a creative writing class, and we'll see whether I keep it going at the end of the year.

Monday, 19 September 2011

The Body in Metamorphosis

Do you ever dream about flying? I can't be the only person who dreams of being able to fly. I love to ask people what they would choose if they could have any super power. Beware of people who would choose invisibility, they are up to no good. I would obviously choose to be able to fly without wings, or with them I suppose, if it was absolutely necessary. In my dreams flying seems so natural, I do, in some corner of my self, expect that one day this ability will no longer be out of my reach. You can already tell that dreams and dreaming play a big role in my writing. Expect more on this topic.

I still need to go on my walk and take pictures of my space. I will do this tomorrow, I think.

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