About Me

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I am a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a reader, a writer, and above all, a dreamer. I started this blog as a requirement for a creative writing class, and we'll see whether I keep it going at the end of the year.

Monday 26 September 2011

Breaking News

You won't understand the significance of what I am about to tell you, but I have to say it anyway! I am so excited right now because I am sitting at my laptop and typing away at my homework when all of a sudden I realize that I am writing about the Lucky Ones! I dreamed of the Lucky Ones this summer and I explained the dream to the guy who sleeps next to me, and he said something to the effect of, Your dreams are way more complicated than mine are. And then later, because apparently he'd been thinking about it as much as I had been, which is to say, all day long, he said to me as we were running, Jess, I think you need to write that story. I think people would want to know about the Lucky Ones. So, as you can now see, I hope, I am floored to find that the Lucky Ones have found a place for themselves in my story. What an amazing turn of events! Creating writing is not at all like homework. It's like. . . something else entirely.


  1. I am curious to know if you originally never actually expected to see them in this story.

  2. Yes, that's what I said. I was originally only writing about an old woman who dreams of flying, and then suddenly the Lucky Ones myth began worming its way into her story. That's how it happens with me usually. I will plan out the basic outline of a story, but when I start to write it more or less steers itself.

  3. I have dreamed entire movie-length stories with twists and turns that shocked me in my own sleep, but I always wake up and forget them entirely, which is so depressing. Obviously, the Lucky Ones have a deeper connection to your subconscious if they wrote themselves into your story. Sorry I had to miss talking about that one, Jess. Those darn backyard friends, the Backyardigans...

  4. It's okay, you didn't miss much... lots of long pauses. That's pretty much it. If you want a decent workshop you really ought to get your writing in earlier than last. Lesson learned.
